Friday, October 30, 2009

Today was a good day.


1. I slept in. Until 11:30. I've been working nights and have to work nights all weekend so I've kind of been staying on this nocturnal schedule (hence I am blogging at 2 in the morning...). I just have to say that I love the feeling of rolling over and looking at the clock and knowing I have gotten a solid 8 or 9 hours of sleep, and not having to feel guilty for it.

2. I ate my favorite breakfast. 12 grain toast, peanut butter and bananas with cinnamon, and a glass of milk. Can't go wrong. I think I'll have it tomorrow too.

3. Did a little shopping (well, more like browsing). Up until now I had only experienced Canmore via the hospital, and well...its just not quite the same "touristy" experience. I decided to stay up here during my days off and today walked down mainstreet and went in all the little shops. My favorite? The art gallery where a photographer has all his wildlife pictures on display. The catch? He shoots film only. And doesn't digitally enhance ANYTHING. And let me tell you, he is good. One day when I remember his name I will let you all know.

4. I went on a little adventure up to Spray Lakes. I always love a nice drive through the mountains, so I grabbed my camera and went exploring for a bit. This picture was just after a small avalanche came down:
I thought this one was kind of cool too:
Here's a few more if you want to see them.

5. Went on a run. In the snow. Along the Bow River. Beautiful!

6. Had a piece of carmel pumpkin pie. You should all try it. You will think you have died and gone to heaven. I am such a sucker for anything pumpkin.

7. Had a bath and filed my feet. Maybe that's gross to some people, but trust me, it was time, and they feel great.

8. Watched the Office while writing out recipes for my recipe box. My hand has a cramp now, but it will be worth it when I am a domestic goddess (ha!). I do love the Office...such a great show. P.S. If anyone has any more great recipes I would still love to have them!

9. Nestled into my cozy bed with my space heater blowing in my face all night. (This will happen in approximately 5 minutes...)

Great day. Good night.

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