Wednesday, October 28, 2015

4 Months and Food!

This little lady is four months old! This past month has actually gone by pretty slow, and I'm not mad about it one little bit!  There's so much going on and I just want to soak it all in!  She's now 15 pounds 10 ounces and 24 inches long (although they said that last month too so someone's measurement was off...), and her head circumference is 16 inches.  We've continued to outgrow clothes, only this time its because her thighs are too big!  Chunky little thing.  And don't be deceived by that serious face - this girl loves to chat, gives lots of smiles, loves sucking on her hands and playing with her toes, and moves around her playpen like nobody's business.  She loves to hang onto mom whenever she's close by and loves dad's baby whispering skills to put her to sleep.

Oh, and as of today - she loves food!  They told me at the doctor that we could start introducing solids, so today she had her first taste of banana.  She didn't spit it out all over the place so I'd say so far its been a success!  Let the messes begin!

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