Okay, so this one time I made a list of 101 things I wanted to do in 1001 days. Some of the things on the list were pretty simple, and some were a bit more ambitious. Well, I've hit the 1001 mark. And by that I mean I hit it 2 years ago. So this list has slowly evolved into my lifelong bucket list. I've made a few adjustments to the original list, but here's an update of a few things I've checked off!
6. Pay off my student loans. How good does it feel to be debt free?! Except then I married a med student...one day...
7. Take a photography course. A few years ago (yeah, its been that long since I've updated this list!) I took an online lifestyle photography course from Brooke Snow. It was so great, and I loved actually taking pictures for myself. Something I always could do more of. My personal favorite from the course:
16. Write a missionary every month for a year. I can't even stand the fact that Max gets home in THREE WEEKS! Seriously, so crazy. If he's old enough to be a returned missionary, then I must be REALLY old. I definitely could have been more dilligent with writing him, but at least I got in an email a month! I wasn't able to be there when he got set apart as a missionary, so we had a little facetime the night before he left. This is Max to a T. Huge smile on his face and SO excited to be a missionary!
21. Host a dinner party. Last year we got a group of friends together on a random Sunday between American and Canadian Thanksgiving to have a turkey dinner of our own and show the Aussies how its done. I can't take ALL the credit for this one, but I helped in the planning and cooked the turkey, stuffing, gravy, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, so I'm totally counting it. (and #63 - cook a turkey dinner!)
22. Put $100 away each month for a year. As soon as I grew up and got a real job, my dad told me I should probably go an see a financial advisor. Now THAT is grown up. I pretty much knew nothing when it comes to RRSPs, investments, taxes, and the works, but I did manage to figure a few things out after talking to him and made my monthly investment. I'll thank myself for that measley amount of money one day when I try to retire but find out the baby boomers stole all the pensions!
22. Put $100 away each month for a year. As soon as I grew up and got a real job, my dad told me I should probably go an see a financial advisor. Now THAT is grown up. I pretty much knew nothing when it comes to RRSPs, investments, taxes, and the works, but I did manage to figure a few things out after talking to him and made my monthly investment. I'll thank myself for that measley amount of money one day when I try to retire but find out the baby boomers stole all the pensions!
31. Get a 70-200 2.8 L series lens. This one is edited from the original "Get a fisheye" lens, since the cool factor of the fisheye has lost its appeal. But the 70-200. WOW. Let me tell you, it will break your bank account, but it is worth every penny!
34. Tag along with a professional wedding photographer. This pretty much sums up my whole last year. I was able to shoot with 5 other photographers last year at 10 different weddings, with another 3 of my own. I always love to second shoot and watch the way other people shoot. Learn something new every time!
35. Go scuba diving (again!). I should put this back on the list just so I have an excuse to go again. We went diving when I visited Brandon a couple years ago and let me tell you, nothing, NOTHING beats the Great Barrier Reef!
38. Hike Vimy to Crypt Lake. This hike had been on my to-do list pretty much since I was a kid. I remember growing up listening to my dad talk about his more adventurous days, and I always thought of Vimy to Crypt as the hike that would top them all. And it didn't disappoint! We hiked it with a great crew, amazing views, and were completely and utterly exhausted by the end (thanks Low brothers for the boat pickup and the hot dogs that awaited us!)
40. Go on a ridealong with STARS. I've always been a bit of an adrenaline junkie, so the thought of working for STARS one day is kind of appealing. As it turns out, as soon as you are legally registered as a nurse in Alberta, you can apply and spend the day with them. The day I went there were two calls, both of which we were asked to turn around from when we were halfway there, but what can you do. At least I still got a free helicopter ride over the Rockies!
41. Sew myself 3 dresses. My mother would likely be appalled at the quality of my sewing, but its a work in progress.
55. Attend a musical I've never seen before. Wicked was incredible. Who cares if our seats were on the back balcony, I could have sat and sang with Alfaba that whole play.
85. Design a photography logo. I rebuilt my website last year and it was so much work, but I am so happy with the results! Thanks to Brandon's cousin Anna for helping me out!
91. Make chocolates with my mom. I'm on the fence about whether or not my half hearted effort gets to count for this one. I did roll a couple batches of fondant this year though, so I guess it counts for something. One day I'm actually going to get brave enough to make some of my own! Then I'll REALLY need help.
92. Backpack Stony Indian Pass. And while we're at it, why not go to the summit of the tallest mountain in Waterton-Glacier? I could write a whole blog post about this trip, and maybe some day I will. But for the time being I will say this. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, and the most epic view I have ever had. And yes, I would do it again.
101. Buy a hammock and sleep in it. Not much of a story here. I did it. And I loved it. And I would do it again!
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