Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Whoever invented Thanksgiving is a genius. I mean, seriously, a day off to think of things we're grateful for and have an amazing turkey dinner? What a great idea! (a quick note to my American cousins...yes, I am aware that Thanksgiving is really all about the Pilgrims and the Indians...but still...)

A few of the things I'm grateful for:

These three girls:

Tabea, April, and Clarissa. These three are seriously life savers! I can't thank them enough for all their help the past month. Clare helped me pack up all my stuff and drive my little Uhaul to Calgary in a long and painful daytrip, and the three of them let me stay at their place while I was in Edmonton for school for 3 weeks. They even gave me my own room, an air mattress to sleep on, and my own set of keys! (Sorry guys for all those times you got locked out...). But for real...LIFE SAVERS.
The green weenie! I'm not going to lie, this has been the greatest car ever. Bought her 2 and a half years ago and she's still going strong! 330,000kms and all... We've spent alot of time together lately, with roadtrips home, to Edmonton, to Canmore and I'm just so grateful to have a "reliable" car. And that I have AMA.
Edmonton in the fall. I know I'm not there anymore, but I was there long enough to experience the changing leaves. Love it.
A condo in Canmore. I may have stolen this picture off Google, but you get the idea. I totally lucked out by having a lady in my nursing class that had connections in Canmore, so I have a little basement suite to stay in between shifts. Let me tell you, after a 12 hour shift, its so nice to have a bed to go to, and not have to drive an hour back into the city! Not to mention I can stay there whenever I want, so if I feel like spending some extra time in the mountains I can.
I'm thankful for personal hygiene. And showers. So I don't look like this every day. Enough said.
Memory foam! As much as I appreciated my air mattress on the floor in Edmonton, I was OVERJOYED to come back to my own bed, complete with memory foam. Best investment ever.
I'll hop on the bandwagon. Owl City = great driving music. Or anything music.
I don't really consider myself one of those people that is overly attached to my phone, but when I'm staying in Canmore alone, or on the road for hours on end, its always good to have some form of communication to remind me that I do have friends...haha.After my last little rant about getting sick, I'm grateful for my health. I love that I can run, climb, hike, and be active, even when I fill my body with such nutritious foods as this:
Oh pumpkin pie. What would Thanksgiving be like without you? Costco pies = delish. I'm kind of craving one right now actually. Too bad its midnight. But seriously, pumpkin anything is sooo good. Pumpkin spice steamers...if you haven't tried one, go to Starbucks/Second Cup right now and get one. You will think you have died and gone to heaven.
Fish eyes. 1) Because I think they are cool, 2) Because one day I will own one, and 3) Because this picture reminds me of Waterton, Summer, and long lost friends. All things I am grateful for.
My future roomies...? I had a GREAT weekend with these guys last week, and surprisingly, their couch is a dream to sleep on. And if you ever want to go to a movie and not feel ridiculous for taking a quilt to wrap up in, take Bonnie with you. She'll wear a hot pink house coat to deter some attention.
Old roomies. There are alot of people under this category, and I have loved them all! This set of roomies taught me the beauty of late night dance parties...I love and miss those nights.

The fam jam. They are great. Saw them all last weekend, which was FANTASTIC. It had been too long. They support me in everything I do, and I love getting taken out by Max giving me a huge hug every time I walk in the door. Not to mention my family is pretty dang funny. I love them!

And one last thing...I'm grateful for these two:

Darin and Diandra got married last weekend...what a freaking cute couple. Both great people, and great together.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

1 comment :

  1. ok - so this little post brought a tear to my eye. amy - i'll wear a pink, fuzzy housecoat in public any day if you wanna drag around a blanket!
