Thursday, April 10, 2014


I noticed a common theme as I laid in bed this morning, getting my daily fix of bloglovin.  Gratitude.  EVERYONE was blogging about gratitude.  And as the day went on, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the life that I have.

I'm grateful for good friends.  We are very well taken care of here in Brisbane.  Every time we get home from a night out with friends, we both just can't say enough good things about the people we have met here.  We are lucky to have such great friends.

I'm grateful for the education that I have and the ability to work and help to provide for us right now, even if it is only a little bit.

I'm grateful for my testimony of the gospel and to be able to learn and grow each day.

I'm grateful for my health.  I've seen some sad cases through work lately and I'm grateful for the body that I have and that it works like it should.

I'm grateful that I can drive around Brisbane without my GPS, and that I now know where to go to buy groceries.  No really, I am.

I'm grateful for technology that keeps me in touch with this crew:

And last, but not least, I'm grateful for a loving husband that knows just what I need and is genuinely concerned about my wellbeing.  I'm lucky to have him by my side.

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