Hi. I'm Amy. And this is my blog. If you're reading this, its highly likely that you're a family member, friend, or acquaintance that I've come to know in some degree at some point in my twenty-five year long adventure that is my life. But maybe not. Maybe you came across my blog through my photography website. Or maybe you searched for "The Rankin Family" on google and they directed you here (apparently that's what leads people to my blog the most?). Well anyway, this is it! At one point in time this blog was kind of like a journal about my life. And it still is, but it's also going to be a place for my photography. And whatever else I feel like blogging about.
I feel like I have so much to catch up on! And one day, I will. But as a quick recap, I've pretty much uprooted every aspect of my life. Quit my wonderful job, moved back with my parents, and got married to the love of my life! Now one day if my visa ever gets here I'll join him in Brisbane so we can start our adventure! And since I never posted any of our engagement pictures, here's a few:

And since its the beginning (sort of) of a New Year, I've made a few goals to improve myself. I've realized I could use a little less of some things, and a little more of others:
My more or less of 2013
More of a structured, daily routine. Less procrastination. More morning scripture study. Less idleness. More budgeting. Less gossip. More date nights. More physical activity. Less multitasking. More service. More books. Less social-media. More photography for fun. More exploring. Less ignorance. More learning. More journal writing. More guests in our home for dinner. More quality time with my husband. More dedication to the gospel...
I could go on and on and on! But I think I'll start there. What are you trying to have more/less of this year?
more fruits and veges in my life...pregnancy has made me a walking fast food joint. good luck in the visa department! i remember doing long distance w/ ben while he was in hawaii and it was the pits...even more so when we had to do long distance after we got married! gah.