I like to think that I'm a pretty optimistic, happy person. You can agree or disagree with me, but that's what I'm shooting for at least. Which is why I think the Book of Awesome and this TED talk are so great:
A few of my own awesome little things:
1. Wheat thins, a tad of cream cheese, and a little bit of this:
2. The genius feature on itunes. It's genius!
3. Watching Gladiator and editing pictures in my pajamas all afternoon after waking up from a night shift.
4. Coming across amazing photography of my favorite place in the world here. (Its copyrighted, but I promise it will be worth your time to go to the photostream)
5. Temperatures above zero!
6. Random people commenting on my blog so I can read about their sweet lives and ideas.
7. Stumbleupon.com
Feel free to add to the list!
TED talks is so good