Wednesday, February 3, 2010

And now I wait...

Its official. I have written the LAST exam ever of my nursing career! (Unless I decide to do my masters that is...)

I'm not going to lie, I walked out of that test feeling like I rocked it. And let's hope I did. Only 6 weeks until I find out. Until then, I've increased the tally of jobs that I've applied for up to about 120. I'm still hopeful though...after talking to alot of my classmates, they are still getting jobs. So I'll just keep on applying and hope for the best!

I applied for a bunch today...some rural, some pediatric psychiatry, a bunch of surgery, and labor and delivery...could be fun?

And hey, if all else fails, I hear that Saskatoon offers a pretty good signing bonus, and would pay me full time hours to take the critical care course. Bonnie so kindly pointed out to me that this could potentially mean doing the course distance learning while playing in Waterton this summer. Tempting...

I won't lie, its weird not being in school. I have never not been in school. I'm not sure how I feel about it. As terrible of a student I am, I like learning, challenging myself, and actually using my brain. But at the same time, its kind of a nice break. Time to start checking things off that EXTENSIVE list of things I've always wanted to do, but never had time:

I bought this book yesterday and love it already. Maybe I will actually become a reader. It really makes me want to go do something cool in Pakistan or India or somewhere though. I've already discussed doing travel nursing in India with my mom and she's game. Time to start researching...

2. Make these adorable earrings:

3. Make a dress with some fabric that looks a little like this:

4. Runrunrunrunrun.
As part of my 101 goals, I said I was going to workout 5 days a week for 6 months. First of all, what was I THINKING?! 6 months is a loooong time to keep that up. But here I am, week 3, day 3. The gym is my next stop once I get off this computer.

5. hydrate.
Another one of my 101 was to drink 8 glasses of water every day for a month. And February happens to be that month. Good thing I swiped Jessica's old waterbottle last time I was home. It is now attached to my hip.

Quick side note...can I just say that I really like her lately? And am really excited about this.

Another side note: 9 days until this:

Life is good.


  1. Amy,Amy, AMY! I can not wait for HAWAII!!!!! I'm sick of the cold Alberta winters. Time in Hawaii will do me some GOOD! WOO! P.S we still need to figure out a place and time to meet up there!

  2. I'm reading 3 Cups of Tea right now. Delightful.

  3. I am going to need that waterbottle back... you should see my pee since I've been parted from it!

  4. have fun in hawaii.

    three cups of tea is incredible.

    and you should move to saskatoon. we could be a killer photography team!
