Friday, January 22, 2010

I am...

a blood donor. First time. Which I guess is kind of sad, considering I'm a nurse. But hey, I had to start somewhere right?


On a side job situation is really starting to get to me. 24 hours a week just isn't going to cut it. I may have applied to some jobs in Yellowknife today. It's starting to sound better all the time. We'll see how it goes!


  1. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! I haven't donated in over a year and a half! It's really sad! My veins are *bursting* with donatable blood.

  2. Well, you've accomplished one of the things on my life list.
    Thank you for doing everything for me.
    Way to go!

  3. I one day want to donate blood... not sure if they will let me do it while nursing a baby? Hmmm... awsome though!

  4. Good for you Amy! That's one thing I want/need to go do.

    Good luck in your job hunt! Just remember to come hang out with me for an evening before you go too far away. Miss you!
